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How does a Simulcast work?All of in:ciite Events are broadcast via webcast and do not require the purchase of any special equipment to host. You do need to have a good, strong internet connection in order to download the webcast in real-time, a computer, and input to a viewing device (projector, television, receiver, etc.). Events offers a live test weeks before the event to make sure things are working properly. Simulcasting is a very simple process. in:ciite Events will email you a link and a password days before the live event. On the day of the event, you will click on the link and enter the password. We will provide a countdown clock and music starting 45 minutes prior the event start time. A schedule for the simulcast will be emailed to you prior to the event date. A countdown clock will also run during break times. Prior to the break, the event will be handed back to the host site coordinator to give any announcements or special instructions. With enhanced streaming technology, all events have the capability of "pause" and "rewind." This feature eliminates "down time" due to unexpected network interruptions and furhter assist in any potential for buffering during your event. With every in:ciite Event, customer service is available in the weeks leading to your event and during your event.
What are the system, equiptment, internet requirements to host an event?"In order to host a simulcast you need to make sure you have the following: • An Internet Connection • A desktop or laptop computer • A mobile phone or tablet We will be streaming your event at the highest possible quality, but it is very important for you to know that the quality you receive is very dependent on your internet connection and the projection capability of your venue. Your network connection should sustain a download speed of 20 Mbps or greater to view the simulcast. During the live event, we recommend a dedicated internet connection for the computer you are using to download the stream. We also recommend that the connection be wired, not wireless. TIP: You have limited bandwidth, and more users accessing the same network will lead to slower download times, and may degrade the performance of the stream.
How can I test my internet speed?To further insure your ability to simulcast your event you should check your actual download speeds, please visit The DOWNLOAD SPEED number is the one that is important for your broadcast capability. Your network connection should sustain a download speed of 3.5 Mbps or greater to view the simulcast on the High Bandwidth Link. A lower speed of 1.5 Mbps will work on the Lower Bandwidth option PLEASE REMEMBER: The quality you will see and receive is fully dependent on your internet connection and your equipment. It is highly recommended that only one computer be accessing the network during the broadcast.
What customer service do you offer before and after the event?An in:cite specialist will be there to help you each step of the way — from technical concerns to questions about promoting your event. On the event day we will have team available to help with any problems you may have. Leading up to your event, in:ciite will offer testing dates. This is an opportunity for you to reherse you're event using the equiptment and venue staff of your choosing. During this time, in:ciite customer service specialists will be on-hand to trouble shoot with you any issues you may encounter. in:ciite Events also sends weekly newsletters to keep you up to date on important information. For assistance now please contact us at either or call us at 888-235-7948.
Will in:ciite help me promote my event?in:ciite Events is focused on meeting needs of the local church. We want your event to be a successful outreach, kick-off to small groups, church-wide gathering, or whatever your needs may be, but we know every event depends on strong promotion. Activating your church body to spread the word and announcing your event to a community-wide audience is very important to the success of your event, and there are some simple, yet effective, ways to ensure everyone knows when and where your event will be happening. in:ciite gives sites the opportunity to post their church on a map for people that are looking for a host site location can find a site in their area. in:ciite will provide you with downloadable promotional materials such as, posters, bulletin inserts, flyers, email templates, power point slides and more.
Does in:ciite provide handouts or particpant handouts for the event?Yes, Inciite will provide you with a downloadable template for you to download and copy for each attendee. We will provide you with a color version and a black and white version.
Can we host the event on a different date than advertised?If you have a conflict on the live event date, in most cases you can choose a different date to host the event within a 90 day window after the event date. Please talk with an inciite representative for more information on how to do this.
Can we record or keep files of events?No. Because of copyright and intellectual property permissions, recording is not permitted. Your license gives you the ability to show on a specific date. If you are interested in multi-site viewing event please consult with an in:cast specialist to purchase additional licenses.
What's included in my host site (Registration) fee?The registration fee for this event is a one-time fee. Your host site fee includes: 1. The license to host the event 2. Downloadable Promotional materials to promote your event to your church and community. These include, posters, bulletin inserts, flyers, and a promotional video. 3. Program Guide to print off for your attendees 4. Event and Technical Support to help make your event a success Selling tickets is optional; however, by selling tickets, you have the opportunity to recoup your costs and generate additional revenue for your church. Other OPTIONAL expenses you may incur associated with hosting an event include any promotional fees (printing, newspaper or radio ads, etc) and food costs if you decide to provide refreshments during the simulcast. in:ciite does not reimburse you for event expenses.
What are the cost & responsibilites of hosting a simulcast event?The cost of an event will vary because of many factors. Please consult with an in:ciite events specialist regarding the specific event you are interested in hosting or visit the event page for pricing. CANCELLATIONS / REFUNDS: All purchases are non-transferable & non-refundable. You may not transfer the cost of the simulcast to another simulcast or event. All purchases are final. It is your responsibility to make sure your site meets the technical requirements and take advantage of the testing opportunities. in:cast is not responsible for any equipment failure or interrupted internet connection at your site that may cause a loss of the live event, poor quality, or other problems simulcasting the event.
What are the benefits of hosting a simulcast?Hosting a simulcast conference allows you to bring your attendees the excitement and impact of a large conference event — without the inconvenience and costs of travel. Since you host the event right at your church, you provide families in your community an opportunity to be inspired and challenged with others from across the nation without booking flights, hotels, and other travel expenses — a major benefit in our challenging economy!
Do you issue refunds?Absent a catastrophic event, we DO NOT offer refunds. Every event has a no refund poilcy. If you need to substitue an event for another date, we can help you with that request. We can also assist you in finding a better date to host.
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